Responsibility in Employment and OHS

Gender Equality and Work Opportunities

The Company is committed to treat all individuals with equality and fairness. By doing so, the Company provides an equal work opportunities to every candidate. The Company does not differentiate any individuals based on certain background, including, race, religion, gender and social class.


In terms of employment, the Company always pays attention to the employee welfare by providing adequate remuneration in accordance with applicable regulations. The remuneration provided by the Company includes basic salary and benefits. Furthermore, the Company also continues to conduct socialization related to employees’ health and a healthy lifestyle. Various health facilities provided to employees are health insurance which is BPJS Kesehatan, life insurance for employees and families, as well as a retirement program through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

During the pandemic, the Company with its associates have carried out several OHS policies, including strict health protocol in all operational activities as follows:

• Forming a joint Covid-19 handling team unit with all associate companies.
• Implementing Work from Home (WFH) policy
• Ensuring the capacity of employees who work in the office did not exceed 50%.
• Regulating use of masks and hand sanitizer provision.

Aside of that, the Company also consistently implement OHS policies in all business lines in office and site area. By implementing a discipline OHS practice, the Company is able to minimize risks that are potential to bring loss to the employess and the Company.

Complaint Mechanism of Employment

All complaints related to employment matters are submitted and resolved by the Board of Directors

PT Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk
Sopo Del Office & Lifestyle Tower B, Lantai 21
Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III, Lot.10 1-6,
Kawasan Mega Kuningan,
Jakarta Selatan 12950

+62 21 5081 5254
+62 21 5081 5253
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