One of the Company’s CSR programs through its associates focuses on the welfare of communities and people who are involved with the Company’s business. Therefore, the Company conducts various activities such as job vacancy for local workers, donation support for those in need, and improvement of education quality.
Various educational activities carried out by the Company’sthrough its associates include field work practices at Merapi-Lahat.
Throughout 2020, the Company’s through its associates has continued its involvement in the community, through providing routine tarps for trucking. In addition, the Company also recruited local labor for repair works.
In 2020, through its associate company PT MP, the Company carried out these following social activities:
• Donation for Indonesia independence day events andactivities at Asam-Asam and Kintap.
• Donation together with the Port Association for the Transportation Anniversary event at Asam-Asam and Kintap.
• Environment Day 2020 Sponsorship at Asam-asam and Kintap.
• Donation of Qurban cows cattle in Bengalon, Tanah Laut Port Association and BPN Tanah Laut in Pelaihari.
• Sponsorship for Barito Putra Legend event with TanahLaut District Head Office.
• Donation of Qurban cows cattle in Asam-asam and Kintap.
• Donation of masks and disinfectants around Lahat Regional Government.
• Donation of foods for health workers at Jakarta.
The Company actively socializes anti-corruption initiatives to all the employees in group structure, in order to build a clean and honest work system with integrity.